Holiday Road Trip

As the holidays approach, more Americans will find themselves getting on the road to visit family or enjoy an extended holiday vacation.  If you are one of the millions of Americans turning to the road this season, there are some things you can do to ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.  In this month’s blog post, we highlight how to keep your holiday road travels free from stress and troubles.

Before the trip:

Preparation is key to having a good road trip.

  • Have your vehicle checked out by a service professional before leaving on your trip.
  • If you don’t get your vehicle checked by a professional, check the following items yourself before embarking on your trip:
    • Check your oil and radiator fluid; replenish then as necessary.
    • Check the air pressure on your tires; make sure to inflate them to the manufacturer specifications.
    • Add windshield wiper fluid and keep some handy in the vehicle.
  • Take the time to map out your trip. There are many mobile-friendly apps that can provide you with the best route and consider things like road construction, traffic patterns, and road conditions.
  • Pack plenty of snacks and activities for the kids. Always make sure to have water handy as well.
  • If you are carrying any baggage or items on a roof rack, double check to make sure everything is properly secured.

On the road:

It is always advisable to get started early on your road trip to avoid peak travel times, especially if you are planning to travel long distances.

  • Remember that early mornings and evenings may have limited visibility due to fog, or early morning or late day sun. Also, these are times when deer and other animal activity is higher.
  • Make more frequent rest stops to stretch your legs and reduce driving fatigue.
  • If there are other adult drivers, plan for driving shifts so that each driver can get a break.
  • Stay alert and if you think you are losing concentration, pull over to a rest stop for a break.
  • If you encounter traffic, most importantly stay calm. Traffic is an unavoidable part of holiday road travel.  Always make sure that you fill your gas tank enough so that if you get into a traffic delay, you won’t’ run out of fuel.
  • Remember that holiday driving means that there are more drivers on the road who have may have consumed alcohol. Be alert to erratic drivers and stay clear of them, if possible.
  • If you find yourself impatient about your travel progress, don’t speed. Not only is speeding dangerous, but you also don’t want to start off your vacation with a speeding violation.  Speeding does not really cut down overall travel time by much anyway.
  • Stay alert to how your vehicle is operating – if you notice something unusual (such as a sound, smell, or smoke), pull over and check it out. Have roadside assistance or automobile club information handy.
  • Find a way to have fun during the drive with your vehicle occupants. Make up games or ways to stay alert and maintain interaction.

If you are one of the many Americans who choose to get on the road this holiday season, take a few extra steps to make it safe and enjoyable.

If you would like to have your vehicle checked over for any repairs prior to a trip, contact the service professionals at Shade Tree Garage.  We will conduct a full inspection of your vehicle, and make recommendations for any necessary repairs or maintenance.